Doing a Photoshoot With Your Pet
Everybody loves a good pet photo, I mean they’re sooo cute! We love our furry friends and as we know we’re the only family they’ll know. However, it might seem like a daunting task ahead of you – especially if you have a pet with major zoomies. Truth is, you’re probably already taking pictures of your pets on your phone anyways. Why not capture a great memory that you can cherish and have the professional quality? Follow along for some helpful tips on how to have a successful photoshoot with your fur baby.
Natural lighting is best
It is often said that using natural lighting is important when taking pictures of your pets. Think about it, how many time have you tried to take a photo with flash and NOT had your pet scurry away quickly? Using lots of flash will likely cause your pet to become scared and make the photoshoot difficult for everyone. Try to plan your location somewhere with windows or outside. Luckily, our studio has plenty of natural lighting that allows us to take beautiful pictures of your pets.
Their favorite toys and treats are a must!
If there was one thing that couldn’t be stressed enough, it’s to be sure to have enough toys and treats for your pets. Not only will they probably listen to you better, but they also will have something to make them feel comfortable. Plus, you can get some cute shots of them eating their favorite snacks. By doing this, you’re allowing your pet to focus on what’s in front of them rather than focusing on the stress of the camera, new location, and extra people they don’t know. There’s nothing your pet probably likes more than their favorite treat or toy.
Another reason to keep these things around is so you can interact and play with your pets throughout the session. If your pet is hyper, play and interaction will definitely help capture some cute action shots or allow them to be stimulated. I mean, we can’t expect them to sit for an hour the entire time without acting up a little bit.
You know your pet best
You know your pet best, and by this we mean: you understand your pet’s personality better than anyone else. It’s great when you can get them to take photos that perfectly capture their personality. They’re already going to be photogenic by doing nothing, you might as well try to bring out what makes them unique. This could be anything from the silly smile they do when they’ve been bad or how cute they look laying down. It’s also helpful to let your photographer know how your pet is too. For instance, does Rover like to run around or is he more obedient? Letting your photographer know ahead of time will allow them to best pose your pet keeping this in mind and help the photoshoot go more smoothly.
All in all, planning a photoshoot with your pet will take some planning and patience on your end. Be sure to keep calm when you want them to take a still picture and hyper when you want them to take a more animated photo. They’ll take social ques from you very well based on how you are with them at home.